FitOn | Customizable Fitness Program

Health iOS App (Personal Project)

FitOn is an application for free fitness videos with a wide variety of workouts from celebrity trainers that users are able to stream on any type of device. You can filter workouts based on intensity, time, target area, and your favorite trainers. One of their main features is their ability to provide a “personalized plan” for users based on their fitness goals. Users can select from a list of predetermined fitness goals to populate a plan for themselves. Users can also customize their plans based on how many workouts per week they prefer, the length of each of the workouts, and their favorite types of workouts.

Goals & Objectives

As a busy mom who normally struggles to find time to workout, let alone find fitness videos I actually like to work out to, I expect to be able to alter my fitness plans as I’d like so that it’s truly personalized and that I’m more likely to stick to my fitness program and goals.

Pain Points

  • Once these selections have been made, there isn’t much else a user can do to customize their plan even further.
  • Users are able to favorite specific workouts, but it populates in its own section and isn’t easily accessible to add to the fitness program section. New workouts are uploaded frequently so the favorites section becomes difficult to filter and navigate as well if you have favorited several videos.
  • They also aren’t able to delete workouts they don’t prefer or switch around the order of their workouts.

FitOn allows “personalized fitness plans,” but there are limits to them.



Research & Digging Deeper into Pain Points

  • Personal Experience: From my personal experience as user of FitOn, I’ve been wanting an easier way to customize my fitness plan by being able to add, delete and reorder my workouts as I wish. I appreciate having a plan suggested to me based on my goals, but there needs to deeper levels of personalization. Being able to reference my favorites or trending workouts while I’m editing my program would make planning easier and more efficient as well.
  • App Store Reviews: After looking into app store reviews, I found that users have been requesting the ability to customize the fitness plans a little more by being able to delete workouts they don’t like, and adding more of the ones they do like. Some further suggestions that came from users were to add fitness level to the program filtering and a preview of the workout so that users can see a few clips of the video to help them decide which workouts they prefer.
  • Helpful Resources:
  • Competitive Analysis: There are a ton of fitness apps on the market with a wide range of offerings and pricing differences. I chose Workout Women as their main competition since they also offer free fitness workouts and are very popular in the app store. Workout Women has an app rating of 4.8 with 419K ratings while FitOn has an app rating of 4.9 with 138K ratings. Workout Women has a similar approach at populating a set of exercises for a certain period of time based on your fitness goals, but they also don’t have an easy way of saving certain exercises and creating a more customized plan for the user. Considering a large competitor doesn’t have a very customized planning feature, this would be a big opportunity to differentiate the FitOn product even further.



Wireframes of New ‘Edit Program’ Customization


High Fidelity of Final Designs


Your Program
(Edit Icon Added)


Filter Program
(Fitness Level Added)


Edit Program (With Preview Workout Clips)


Expanded Bottom Bar to Add Workouts from Recommended, Favorites, & Trending


Drag & Drop to Add or Reorder and Swipe to Delete

Phases & Implementation Plan

  • 1st Phase - Fitness Level Filter: Adding another filter for determining plans based on fitness level (beginner, intermediate, and advanced) would be a relatively easy feature to add since FitOn already uses this as a filter under the ‘Workouts’ tab in the app. For design, this only requires a new icon for the ‘Filter Program’ screen. This provides another easy way for users to customize and wouldn’t require a protoype or testing.
  • 2nd Phase - ‘Edit Program’ Screen: To measure success of this feature, I would conduct an A/B test with the current feature of creating a fitness plan against this new proposed version with further customizations to see if existing users are engaging with it more and coming back to the app more often. A lot of the ‘Edit Program’ screen reuses components from the ‘Your Program’ screen with new functionality. The drag and drop functionality along with the recommended/favorites/trending videos that would populate below would probably be best tested with a live prototype that we could use on current users, which would take up more time to implement and test. I would allow 2-4 weeks on this phase to test and collect results, and make any changes if needed to test again. We need to make sure users are finding this screen and understand how to use it. We need to see if it does provide value and increases their likelihood of coming back to the app more frequently to stick to their fitness plans and goals.
  • 3rd Phase - Preview Workouts: The preview of the workout so users can see if they want to add to their fitness program or not can be tested out separately and implemented after the initial phase of the new editing plan feature. Preview clips would need to be put together for this feature as well, so testing this can tell us if it’s worth building out and encourages users to play more videos. This feature can be used throughout the entire app as well and doesn’t have to be specific to the ‘Edit Program’ section. To move forward with this feature, we’d need to allow time for editing of video clips to test with as well, but once those are prepared, building out a prototype to test with and collect results shouldn’t take longer than 1-2 weeks.
  • 4th Phase - Recommended Section: The recommended section that displays in the bottom pop up menu would be a new feature of its own that would need to be built out because that could be based on the types of workouts you normally work out to or the trainers you watch more of, which FitOn doesn’t currently track for the user, at least on the front end. That being said, the recommended feature can come later down the line after first seeing how the new editing feature does with just favorites and trending workouts, since FitOn already has those built out and populating in other parts of the app. This would require a live prototype to test with as well to use real recommendations for existing users. It would be interesting to see which tab (recommended, trending, or favorites) that users navigate to more often to determine the order of the tabs as well to see if users are actually adding videos to their fitness plans from the new bottom tab. Once a prototype is built out, I would allow 1-2 weeks for testing and collecting results.